2009-08-16 20:40:10 UTC
So I am in a strange situation. I am in love with this guy who is a muslim African from South Africa and he is used to being in polyamorous situations with numerous people at the same time.
He is about to get married to a person he has had a somewhat tribal engagement to for the past fifteen years - he's 37 now and I'm 28. He says that he loves me, but he can't offer me anything because he has to get married to this woman.
Even though he is about to get married he still has flings with women on the side and I suppose will continue to do so during his marriage.
We have never been intimate with each other and he says that he didn't think of me as a fling and loves me. He says that he doesn't want to ruin my life by dragging me into a situation like that with him, even though I know he wants that to happen between us - he has often jokingly suggested it, I suppose to gauge my reaction.
Everything that I believe about marriage - what I have learned from growing up in a Western Culture - all about having one partner for life and so on is changing a lot lately. I don't even know if I believe in monogamy anymore.
I initially begged him not to get married and to be with me, but he said he would be ostracised from his community if he didn't and lose his friends and family.
I was getting distraught, so last night I told him that I understand his situation, I support him and that he should get married in this tribal wedding thing if that's what he wants, but that I was still open to a sexual relationship with him. I said that the fact that he is engaged or married shouldn't mean that we can't be together sexually and that I don't believe anyone belongs to anyone else. He hasn't responded to me yet.
I know this is bad in western terms, but I am dealing with a completely different culture and belief system here. So before you criticise you need to understand that. Even if I can't marry him, I still want to be with him in some way. He is the love of my life and to think about not seeing him again makes me sick.
Can someone with an open mind tell me what I should be doing in this situation. I am completely upset and lost and out of my depth culturally and morally.
I am fully aware of the fact that it would be hurtful to his wife for him to sleep with someone else, but in this society it is normal and expected of men to have numerous partners.
I am so confused about what is right and wrong and what I believe. Any guidance at all would be really helpful.