yes everthing is created by a creator.
if you don't draw a picture then there would not be any existence of picture.
same everything is come into creation by a creator .don't believe in science that much science because many things which science proven came with drawbacks and these were ractified later.
yes everything is a brilliant creation of Allah Almighty, the perfect creator no one can make such a perfect thing.
he created heavens and earth in six days with some purpose and He did not get tied , He created angels , ginnies, then mankind, Adam and eve, animals , pairs of animals , birds, insect for the welfare of mankind, Adam and eve were sent on earth to fulfill the duration of punishment from Heaven as all human beings are bearing and after fulfilling that duration man goes to its orginal place towards heaven but there is day of judgement where good and bad people will be decided and they will be sent on bases of their deeds to paradise and hell.
about accidents ,Allah makes a cause of occuring that accident so called beautiful with some purpose.
about love is another thing it is part of life not life.
some people try to create love but with intention and this then converts into sometimes areal love and both parties are shocked over it.
love is the name of feelings and it is written in our fate with whom ,how we will fall in love.but a single trait of that person targets a arrow of love towards your heart and you could not see it because it is inangible.
see laila and majnoo .
laila was black in color and in that geographical area black was not considered beautiful but majnoo loved her for what and they died together and heir tale is still famous .why ?
Allah has written in their fate and that was their purpose .
yes everything thing has a purpose to live and when that purpose is over you will die then.