Emotions are brought to us by our subconscious mind, based solely on our thoughts. In fact, our entire reality is created by our thoughts. Our thoughts are taken in by our subconscious which in turn causes us to do things (subconsciously) that create a reality congruent with them. Our predominant thoughts become habitual, which literally hard wires the neurons in our brains so that it forms what is called a neural net. If we want to create a new reality, it is necessary to change our habitual thought patterns so that the neural net becomes rewired.
Most of us derive our thoughts based on input which is our circumstances and experiences. When we operate from that dynamic, we are destined to live a life that reflects our current reality. The wonderful thing about the human mind is that we can not only change what we experience to a large degree, we can direct our thoughts so that they are congruent with the reality we would like to experience. In doing this, we shift our thoughts from reactionary to visionary.
The first thing that is necessary to start creating a reality you desire is to free yourself from judgment. This not only allows you to feel you deserve to have the reality you desire, it keeps you from judging your desires and it is those very desires that will lead you to not only that which brings you the greatest joy in life, but will be the most beneficial to others. Affirmations are one of the most powerful ways to do this and also one of the most frequently done incorrectly. Not only do affirmations have to be done in the present tense (as if already achieved) and in the positive, but the emotions of it already being your reality must be experienced. This is similar to what great actors and actresses do when they get into character. They also have to be habitual, so done at least once daily. The affirmation for judgment needs to be said to yourself but about other people. By saying the phrase, “You are perfect and beautiful” to yourself (not aloud) about random people, it not only frees yourself from judgment of others but yourself as well.
Once you have freed yourself of judgment, you can use this technique to start creating other realities you desire. Some good general affirmations are, “My thoughts are in line with my desires”, “My happiness grows greater by the day” or, “I believe that anything is possible”. Visualization, creativity and guided meditation are other good ways to bring about your reality. The same rules apply to those methods as affirmations. The basic idea is to experience for a few minutes every day the reality you wish to create and the emotions you would have if it were your current reality.
Another great thing that helps to shift your thought process is to start a gratitude journal. By focusing on what you lack in life, you bring about more that causes you to feel that way. By focusing on what you’re grateful for, you bring about more to be grateful for. Just write down one thing you are grateful for everyday and focus on the list while feeling the gratitude for a minute. After a week, date it and start over.
When you begin to change your thinking to be in line with your desires, your old way of thinking will begin to concern you because it is so prominent and out of line with the reality you’re trying to create. Don’t panic. Whatever you think about with emotion, you bring about so if you are worried about it or try to fight it, it will just become more prominent. Like a gardener, you are planting seeds and watering them daily. It will take time to bear fruit.
You may at times find yourself a bit despondent as well. This is because your body is adjusting to the new emotional peptides your brain is sending it. Honor your feelings but remind your body that you are doing this for its best interest and continue the techniques so that they become habitual.
Change your input. Read inspirational material or about someone who has mastered a reality you would like to emulate. Watch inspiring movies and uplifting television. Limit input not congruent with your desired reality.
It is essential to have a good understanding of how the mind works so that it can start working for you instead of against you. Some people will spend their whole lives running around in circles wondering why they can’t get anywhere in life. Our minds require that we set a destination for ourselves so that it knows where to take us. After declaring our destination, it is simply a matter of letting go and going with the flow of the universe. I wish you well and I hope that you end up exactly where you want to go.
Living life loving.