Thats called "not being stupid, selfish", etc. Having a shred of humility, humanity, morality, and rationality.
Ayn Rand's fiction writing/ranting shouldnt even be considered philosophy. That is like calling Marquis de Sades work philosophy, or art.
In my own body of work, I refer to the notion of absolutism a lot. I believe in absolutes. Be it science or morality, both operate and are defined absolutely. This is a very social way of thinking. Because it places morality - that is, the good of people - above anything and everything, including science, logic, and any randian selfish needs. Rand defined her world and her values according her own needs, completely subjective and arbitrary.
I, however, define morality as a universal constant, applicable in all situations to all people at all times. There ought not be inconsistencies from person to person or from moment to moment or situation to situation, no double standards, no hypocrisies. In this way of thinking I justify telling people when they are wrong, preaching to them morality like a science teacher preaches physics. Most people who are willing to hear an argument I make turn to my side, while others fanatically plug their ears and run from the debate table declaring *me* the bigot as they sprint for their lives to avoid philosophical confrontation. I cant count the number of times I have helped a friend to better themselves. And I cant count the number of times people I thought were friends ditched me solely because they resented my "intolerant" views, leaving me to ponder which one of us is actually the more intolerant.
Science, logic, mathematics, all have a valid correct answer to them. There are rules, constants, laws, equations. Even human psychology and neurology are based in a world with a predetermined set of rules. Atheists themselves often times argue for determinism. But then why should morality be the sole exception to the rule, why must it be a real, meaningful thing in our society AND be subjective at the same time? THAT is far more absurd than assuming it absolute like everything else in this reality.