The other responses are correct; BUT, how you can go about alleviating the 'inferiority' of others is a bit more difficult. First, enter into it with the understanding that it is a perfectly human trait to have "complexes" of that sort, even if they are latent. There's no need to draw them out or ostracize others for having them. However, if you make it known that you are simply expounding on a subject or a particular argument, for the argument's sake, and not some ulterior motive, of undermining their intelligence/knowledge presumably, then you avoid the inherent risk of conflict with these people.
Now, that, too, is not always as easy as it may sound; but, at some point, you may have to simply realize that not EVERYONE is going to agree, or go along with, everything you make points about. It sounds as though you may need to work on that first part, by realizing that people are naturally going to have a natural 'defense mechanism' to ideas that counter theirs. If you realize this going in, though, as I said, simply quell their worries by explaining why the point is valid, regardless of their views, or how their views may (to you) seem invalid. There's an old saying: "You catch more bees with honey, than with vinegar." Roughly, play nice, and you won't ruffle so many feathers, and people will be more receptive to your position(s).