What if reality was but an illusion and that truth was hidden? I guess as a consequence that many men, if not all, wouldn't be able to see truth and they would come to argue one with an other. Certainly, some would do errors, thinking they are acting rightly; others would think of the actual virtue as being errors; very few may act rightly and understand that they are doing so.
If some blind people who do not possess sight have never met someone who sees, isn't there a possibility that he assumes that reality is limited to what he feels - that sight doesn't exist?
There is also a possibility that this person gives shapes and length and the like to things accordingly to his senses, but it could pretty well be false and he would be there, seeing an illusion as truth.
Let many of them being together and speaking, they would surely all share their ideas and they would come to see some as being wiser and more knowledgeable while others as being lesser. They would base their answers on their illusional world and it could be that some thinker who speaks rightly would be turned down because many more speaks differently.
Also, those men would prefer to be led by a more experienced person who "knows" more about those shapes than them and many of them would agree to give to the speech of these "wiser men" more importance.
After a lenghty period, different group would probably arise and they would surely speak one against the other. They could both be wrong, believing that they are right.
Fights, wars, conflicts over their ideals and to defend their illusions.
Doesn't this sound like our world? Many blind men, unable to see truth who arrogantly speak as if they did...