Do you believe that everything in life happens for a reason?
2009-04-17 07:14:11 UTC
If, yes, that how does this reason come to be.
If no, can you prove that t doesn't?
24 answers:
2009-04-17 07:48:45 UTC
Definitely, yes!

Thks for reminding me! :)


To the one who got into conclusion: ''We choose our own destiny.'', HOW does it come with your same sayings ''kids get sexually abused'' ??? Do they choose their own Destiny, this way???

There is a reason, the GOOD and the BAD, the Hell & the Heaven, there is JUST THE PATH ''WE'' CHOOSE, our acceptance or our fight ... our own WORK towards our already destined purpose :)

Thus everything has a REASON.

Any of us ''carry'' much or less ..., upon our individual structure, to our final Destiny.

I'm grateful to God for the easy burden I had; this is the difference. If I couldn't carry mine, my own luggage into this life, how could I carry some other ones? But sometimes we still look for other new purpose, new luggage, new burden, till we'll get peace :)

Love & peace!
2009-04-18 07:45:42 UTC
If you read an exiting novel you can always, IF YOU WANT TO , go to the last page and solve the puzzle and close the reading . Why do you not do that ? What makes you not to turn to the last page but read through ? Only you can answer .In other words the novel is gripping as it goes along and you like the thrill of it . You enjoy it. Still , as you read along , your mind thinks and tries to guess the end . if what you guessed correct turns out to be correct you have a sense of happiness.

Life is also like a long novel. We do not know the end . We can only make a guess . If an incident happens in life ... like a twist in the novel...... you want to know why this happened and you make a guess. That guess is the 'reason' . That this happened for a reason is what you say .

Only later you try to find out in your own way what is the reason.. As I said life is a long novel and the last page is not yet in your hands .
2009-04-17 07:30:16 UTC
Yes I do. But, that being said, I don't think that everything that happens is reasonable or logical. For instance: We take a breath for a reason. A leaf falls off a tree for a reason. A car runs an intersection for a reason (driver not paying attention), etc. The world turns for a, everything happens for a reason. Not necessarily a human reason. It kind of goes with the notion that for every action there is a re-action. Thanks for the questions...
2009-04-17 18:59:25 UTC
Reason has two meanings. I not sure which yours is. Reason =cause and reason =result. As to reason =cause, yes. We may not know where it came from or where it is going but the fact that it caused the event is indisputable. Reason =result implies intelligence. The universe is not intelligent, it is reactive.

Think of an endless number of pool balls on an infinite table. The balls are moving all over the table, nothing is still. Balls hit balls and knock them into another direction which causes it to hit another ball and so on. The table looks chaotic but in fact each ball is obeying the fixed laws of nature which are very organized. What is perceived as reason = result emerges from the chaos of the movement of the balls. There is really no purpose or goal, just balls doing what what they do.

This is what happens to us. We get knocked about by life and we react a certain way that befits us because we are who we are and we go careening off in another direction. We try to hold our course but we are always ducking and dodging. Finally we reach our goal, but was it divine action or did we just manage because of who and what we are, to elude being knocked askew? It is for certain no divine being had anything to do with it. We were just dealing with the rolling balls of which we are one. The apparent reason was one of own invention.
Lalitha R
2009-04-17 07:31:40 UTC
Yes.Everything happens for a reason.It is Nature's Law. Every action has a reaction.You cannot escape the reaction. Whether you want it or not, reaction or effect will happen. That is why it is said that you reap what you sow.We can call the Law as the Law of Karma also.You may ask where is the freedom then.I have the freedom to choose the right path or opt for the wrong path.But I have to experience the result.
2009-04-17 07:28:51 UTC
I think yes

this is because we all decide what actions to take. Some are good and some are bad, but things happen due to them.

Someone commented saying no because people get raped and sexually abused, but this is because some people are complete wierdo's and perverts - that is the reason!

There is always a reason why something happens - and sometimes we dont always know the reason..

how confusing!
2009-04-17 07:26:48 UTC
what if there's a story written for each of us over which we had little or no input? The trouble with "everything happening for a reason" is that sometimes the stuff that happens doesn't happen to us directly but might still have a huge impact. You can't tell me that the 100 or so people that died in the Australian Bush fires recently, or the people that died in the recent Italian earthquakes can't make a difference, say if I want to become a fireman, did all those people have to die to convince me? What if stuff happens and good may come from it from unexpected sources so rejoice?!
2009-04-17 07:42:36 UTC
Every reason; for that matter has a purpose; together with cause and effect as well; and a want, need and requirement of itself also.

you were born into the life which you are living;

There sure must have been a reason; purpose; cause and effect; and a want, need and requirement of the reasons of your taking birth and being born into a life of mankind; instead of any other; also.


2009-04-17 11:22:31 UTC
Yes and no. Yes, because sometimes when you look back, you realize that you would have suffered had you followed a particular path.

No, because sometimes when you look back, depending on the scenario at the time, it can be the biggest missed opportunity of a lifetime and the biggest source of current regret.
2009-04-17 07:41:39 UTC
hard to say but I do believe things happen often for reasons we might understand years later, thought some of the things we will never understand, I mean how to see reason in all the bad news you can read daily?
2009-04-17 07:30:30 UTC
Yup, I strongly believe in it. Even our most ordinary everyday experiences have something to tell and teach us. These "reasons" don't just arrive, it depends on the person if he chooses to learn from life. I guess we can only find "reason" and "meaning" in our lives if we CHOOSE to, and if we have a positive attitude. Some choose not to be aware or tend to look at things negatively, so life for them becomes meaningless.
2009-04-17 07:27:04 UTC
I believe almost all things happen for a reason, it's just not always obvious what that reason is immediately. Sometimes you could wait days, months, or even years before you can fathom why something happened. But sometimes, things just happen, no reason, they just do.

Just my two pennies worth :)
poke a bunny
2009-04-17 07:43:19 UTC
Everything happens for a reason because we can't change it once it happens. It just happens, I can't expalin how, or why, just like i can't explain life in general in how and why there is life. Everything that happens was suppose to happen, But we cannot predict it.
2009-04-17 07:31:24 UTC
Yes everything happens for a reason. The reason being is for us to learn something from it. Everything that happen we gain knowledge from it. And that's why everything happens for a reason.
2009-04-17 07:49:36 UTC
i think both some there just happens cause it was meant for some reason and the other things you choose them to be how you want it to be the both apply to be in just one i think like you choose this way but it will turn out this way because it was meant to happen....and sometimes things don't happen for no reason....

at least that's what i think....
2009-04-17 08:40:53 UTC
What is reason? Is reason a human thing, or something that grows in nature, as the nature of everything? This for instance makes no sense to us humans as why every few hundred million years or so life on earth suffers from mass extinction, due to one or the other of catastrophic happenings. The geological history is marred by such chance happenings that our good reason grapples with for some sense. This is unlike anything that we like to happen to our only home in the universe, our tiny planet earth.

This makes no good sense to our way of reasoning as why life is vulnerable and predisposed to random occurrences of natural catastrophes and disasters like: earth quakes, meteorites, epidemics, incurable disease, climate change and the countless more. What does this mean? Does this mean that we too are a consequence of something just as random, and our reason merely an elaborate produce of natural processes in our naturally grown brains, and our life an extraction of things that happen without any good overall plan or reason.

Then if we look at our individual lives, we find ourselves constantly at odd with various problems and dilemmas of personal. We come here alone and leave alone. We live our lives we endure hardships, try to cope with situations of life picking up shreds of happiness here and there. This is such life that if we had not had the reason of our faith to bridge the gaps in our understanding and the light of hope to show us the way, to encourage us, to spur us on, we would be miserable, completely at the mercy of circumstance, possibility living like animals, or living not at all. The questions we have we would not be able to live with without certain amount of faith in our hearts and minds. We would not able to build our reasonable constructs of knowledge if it were all reason.

Then to answer your question, I would say that there is no reason in the happenings of everything, and if there is one, then that reason is certainly beyond our ability to understanding and comprehend. What for instance is the reason for the creation of life, the existence of the universe and the being of everything. As if there is some grand design or some grandiose scheme of work behind the happening, nay, even before that, the being of everything then that we cannot possibly know, we ourselves being but a meagre part of that everything.

The reason therefore is completely human concept of the mind, something that we seek in life, something we learn from experience, something we develop through our concerted efforts in life - we extract then infuse reason in our world. As for instance when we find a decent patch of land, of fertile soil, but full natural growth of weeds and shrubs, we first see it useless for our human, as of growing crops, but then we bring order into this chaos.

Everything in life remains just like that patch of land, or life, natural, random and chaotic, but within that randomness and chaos we find possibilities of new order and new meanings. Then if all were reasonable fixed in life, we would not be able to progress or develop, and our presence, without opportunities to improve in life, would be meaningless.

I think we are the sense of our world. We find our own good reasons in everything.
Julie L
2009-04-17 07:22:07 UTC
Some things happen for a reason, most things happen because they happen.
2009-04-17 07:25:37 UTC
Yeah I think God causes everything to happen, sometimes things that happen are really horrible - but maybe it's to teach us a lesson. Did you think of this question after watching scrubs by any chance? :D
pilot boy
2009-04-17 07:19:42 UTC
no way man.. things happen because they just do.. I mean are you telling me people get raped, kids get sexually abused for a reason? Not a chance. Nothing happens for a reason. we choose our own destiny.
2009-04-17 07:20:49 UTC
Yes it does....for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
2009-04-17 11:48:00 UTC
absolutely. the reasons we create for ourselves by the people, places, and things we've brought into our lives, however inadvertently. what we choose to do with these people, places and things is up to us.

here's a star, girl!
2009-04-17 07:34:20 UTC
No! somethings happen because of our own selfish h.i.v do you

expect to sleep carelessly & not contract a std.
WooHoo its me
2009-04-17 07:18:35 UTC
no becacuse you choose your options and know1 else or something would no about it to make that route to go a certain way
Dr Funkenstein
2009-04-17 07:48:03 UTC
yes, causality.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.