I like your question! I think a lot about things like this, because I wonder how somebody would react if they were proven wrong after having an extremely strong opinion on something. Recently, I was wondering what would somebody who believed that they were getting into Heaven so strongly but then when dying, they were sent to Hell. How would they react? - their whole life living a lie? I'll use Shirley Phelps-Roper, who strongly asserts that she will go to Heaven but, in my opinion, is extremely evil. Another example - somebody who really strongly believed that humankind is contributing to global warming (which I do, more or less agree with) is proven wrong, and it turns out that humans actually have had no effect on the environment - their whole life living a lie. It's a very interesting subject.
Anyway, I apologize for veering off subject, I just wanted to illustrate how I am on your same wave-length. I am not necessarily an atheist, because I try not to hold strong opinions about anything. However, I do not necessarily believe that there is a God (simply because there is no scientific proof). But it is impossible to prove that something doesn't exist, so there very well may be a God. And of course, if one believes in God, then God does exist. I have no problem at all towards those who think there is a God, but I may have a problem who does not accept (nor attempt to understand) other peoples' way of living (but obviously, this does not pertain to you, or else you would not be asking this question).
I feel that when you die, you simply stop perceiving anything. It's like when you go to sleep and wake up later without having any kinds of dreams (or possible interruptions from moving around, etc.) except you don't wake up. You just stay like that, which is something that we, who are alive, could not possibly comprehend. If it turns out that there is a God when I die, then I would be happy to accept that. If I go to Hell, that would definitely be a bummer, but hopefully God would be lenient and allow me into Heaven simply for my efforts in trying to be a good person.
The truth is, I am not afraid of dying. I am afraid of living - it terrifies me that I might end up unhappy eventually or without friends or family or living a pointless life or doing something that really hurts somebody or destroying something, etc. Hopefully, I will be able to accept whatever ends up happening to me (I have the tendency to mostly accept whatever happens), and as I have said before, strive to be a good person all the time. But still - with huge things like that, it is just scary to me.
Of course, I am leaving out the subjectivity of things and only expressing the opinions and feelings that I have come to know for the sake of this answer being as simple as possible (and obviously, judging by my four paragraphs, is something that I cannot do haha).