(((((Damon))))) :)
You've got some really cool ideas there, man! Kind of makes me want to eat your brain.. Although that would be evil, so I think I'll just go eat some ice-cream instead! :-P
Reality is a tricky thing, indeed.. I've been reading just a little bit about quantum physics as of lately, and that only makes it even weirder! Did you know that, certain atomic particles can snap in and out of existence, exist in multiple different places at once, etc..? And them being observed by us, apparently changes their status! So they can exist in all of these different places at first.. Then when we perceive them, that narrows it down to them only existing in ONE place! Or at least that's how I understand it... (Feel free to yell at me if I'm totally butchering it, all of you quantum physicists that are closely monitoring this thread.. Because I'm sure there are just SO damn many of you, right?! I mean, just about everyone and their mom is a quantum physicist, these days.. :-P)
So couldn't that be taken to mean, through using just our consciousness, we are actually directly altering physical reality..? And there's an infinite number of possibilities..? And maybe there are parallel levels of existence, that we're not yet aware of.. Where those quantum particles disappear, and manifest in THIS existence, and they are exactly as confused by it as we are..? Maybe there's not just ONE Cassie and ONE Damon, but an infinite number of possible Cassies and Damons, existing in all of these parallel realities..? I don't really know.. But it sure as hell IS fun to think about! And I think, most likely, this reality is FAR weirder than any single one of us could possibly even begin to imagine.. Which, personally, I absolutely love that! <3 :)
Also, what we perceive as real, and solid, and physical, actually consists of mostly empty SPACE! Because that's what atoms and molecules are composed of, when it all comes down to it.. So maybe we are in a sense just a hologram. Or a dream. Or the thought of someone else.. That kind of would make a LOT of sense to me, considering how I personally experience God.. If there's one thing I'm thoroughly convinced of, it's that everything is One. Everything is made up of the same stuff.. We are ALL parts of God in a sense. Just God manifesting as different things, and splitting itself up into fragments, sort of.. Fragments that are utterly convinced that they ARE their egos, instead of being one with everything.. And I think that's the current game that we're playing! Snapping out of that state of ignorance, and amnesia, and once again returning to that level of existence.. To our true Self, that we ALL share, that is NOT our surface level ego selves.. And that thing, that force, that substance, or whatever, that keeps morphing into different things over time, is what I personally see as God. Which is also a force of perfect, infinite, unfathomable LOVE! <3 :)
What if our apparent lack of physicality, and everything being mostly empty space, is because we are merely the thoughts, or dreams, of that thing..? And the reason why particles keep appearing and reappearing, and can exist in so many different places at once, is because there's an infinite number of possibilities..? Because anything that can be thought, can also be manifested in some way... And in a sense, we're real. But also, at the same time, we are NOT real..?
Fun question! You can haz star! Keep being you, and keep being awesome! Have a lovely day.. *Hugs for you.* :)